clETH (ERC20 Token) smart contract is deployed on Ethereum and the LST is given to the user on Ethereum only.
The MINTER_ROLE is assigned to the MSC.
MSC directs clETH SC to mint clETH to a particular address. This happens in two occurrences:
When the user has staked and clETH is to be transferred as LST.
When the user claims rewards, clETH is given as the claimed reward.
The BURNER_ROLE is assigned to the MSC.
MSC directs the clETH Smart Contract to burn clETH from a particular address. This happens in 1 occurrence:
When the user claims unstake ETH from ISC.
Pause and Unpause
The PAUSER_ROLE is assigned to the Admin of the smart contract.
The Admin can pause and unpause the minting of clETH.
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